One-to-One coaching
Ninety-Minute Introspection Session
If you're feeling stagnant in life, this ninety-minute session may be the perfect remedy for you
This is for you if:
• Are experiencing confusion and would like some support to find clarity
• You are doubting yourself
• Your confidence is low and you're having negative thoughts
I will help you:
• Establish the reasons why you may be feeling this way
• Tap inwards so you can identify what you truly desire
• Create actionable steps to start implementing change
You will also receive:
• An email check in from me, four weeks later
Cost: £129
If you'd like to find out more, please complete the form below
Ten Week Soul Evolution Programme
This is for you if:
• You feel a loss of control in your life
• You're inner voice is holding you back from making progress
• You're self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviours are keeping you stagnant
• You feel disconnected from who you really are
• You're procrastinating
• You're living on autopilot and feel as though you're existing rather than living
Together we will:
• Start bringing your unconscious thoughts to the surface so you can make change
• Ground your energy by getting out of the mind and connected to the body
• Recognise your self sabotaging thoughts and behaviours so you can Implement new lifestyle choices that will serve you going forward
• Set tangible goals and learn how to achieve them
Package includes:
• Five one-hour coaching sessions every two weeks
• A weekly check in from me and support if needed
• Ongoing WhatsApp support
If you'd like to find out more, please complete the form below
Sixteen Week Transformation Programme
This is for you if:
• Your energy is stagnant and therefore you feel stuck in your life
• Your external circumstances are not making you happy
• You do not feel healthy or creative
• You're confidence is low, you don't know who you are or what you need
• You want to stop existing and start living
• You're ready to face and work through your limiting beliefs in order to make progress in your life
Together we will:
• Ground your energy by getting you out of the mind and in tune with the body
• Reprogram old thinking patterns in order to reduce comparison with others and increase self confidence
• Tap into your soul so you can feel creative and excited about life again
• Set goals and work towards achieving them so you can make tangible change in your life
• Implement new lifestyle choices that will raise your energy
Package includes:
• Eight one-hour coaching sessions every two weeks
• 1:1 support using coaching and NLP
• A weekly progress update and support going forward
• Notes from the session if relevant
• Audio recording of the session (optional)
• Ongoing WhatsApp support
If you'd like to find out more, please complete the form below